Saturday, March 15, 2014

^ r e l e a s e ^


she exhales
a barely audible whisper 
dissipating slowly 
through the drifting currents 
of the wind 
and with that solitary 
spoken word 
hardly a sound that 
exited, yet dance 
off of her pallid 
she discovered a
a freedom 
only experienced by those who
the negative, weighted emotions 
harbored for too long 
and inhale a chilling 
refreshing breath
of hope


Monday, March 3, 2014

{{ r a i n }}

a glimpse of a raindrop

as the rain dances from the sky
descending, falling 
from weighted clouds 
they find indulgence 
in newfound independence 
exposure to the pressure of wind 
exhilaration as they plunge 
into an unknown destination
they plummet to the earth 
receiving the impact 
accepting a new life

We've finally been receiving much-needed rain! With warnings of a drought and making provisions for food rationing, everyone has started to become frantic. God provides all of our needs, no matter what! He knows how to protect his children, and he is giving us rain now, even if he didn't allow us any in the previous months. His plan for everyone and plan for our lives is perfect, and we need to keep our faith that He always provides for us. 
The sound of the rain, for me, is soothing and tranquil. It inspires me to write and gives me a calm state of mine. Above is the poem I wrote while listening to the rain. 
